My dysfunctions: A light-hearted journal for all that is perfect-ly wrong with you

Look what we found! The very embodiment of The Shrinking Couch!This is a great little pocket sized journal titled aptly -

My Dysfunctions: An inner-truth journal!

Here are the things we love about it:

  1. It's there for you whenever you want it to be - no strings attached (well, one. But that functions as a bookmark). You can carry it around with you if you like (we recommend this). Whip it out quickly, excuse yourself to a quiet corner (try a bathroom?) if you're feeling dysfunctional and put it down.
  2. It acknowledges one of the best forms of help - writing by yourself, for yourself.
  3. It gives you just one non-intimidating page to note what you felt was dysfunctional about you today. You do not have to do a "Dear Diary" thesis entry. Write whatever you want. Write a word, write a line, leave it blank if that explains your dysfunction best (but don't do that too often - defeats the purpose)
  4. The left side of every spread carries quotes from some of our favorite authors and thinkers. Philip Dick, Woody Allen, Charles Bukowski, Anais Nin, Oscar Wilde (obviously), Baudelaire, Larry David, Salvador Dali, Mark Twain, Sylvia Plath, Nicholas Cage (that's right), and of course, Robin Williams. Each is funny, but you know it's calling you out on the deepest truth about you.
  5. It's colorful, well-designed and keeps it light. Yes you're a little dysfunctional every now and then, but it reminds you to laugh - smile, if nothing else. This is not to make light of your troubles. It's just there as your personal reminder of how ups and downs go together in life, and so in this journal.

And for those of you who are going to advocate against writing because you feel you can't - this is a personal journal. The only person judging your writing is you. And if you're going to judge your own emotions, well then this journal is really for you, isn't it?Here's a link to the smart people who created this - Knock Knock. Who's there. (No, seriously - that's the name of their company - Who's There Inc.). Here's a link to this particular product though all their stuff is amazing! They may not ship here, but just find someone to bring it for you!


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